Parsley is a Umbelliferae parsley plant, native to the Mediterranean region, with a long history of cultivation in Europe and all over the world. Parsley likes a cool climate and is more resistant to cold, but it is not heat-resistant and likes humidity. It should be grown in fertile soil or sandy soil with strong water retention and rich in organic matter, but avoid water accumulation.
The edible organs of parsley are mainly fresh leaves and petioles. Not only is it fragrant and rich, it is also nutritious. Both the fruit and leaves of parsley contain volatile essential oils that can be extracted by distillation. Parsley essential oil contains flavonoids, which are diuretic and antiseptic. Chewing its leaves eliminates bad breath and is a natural deodorant.
How to dry Carrot in a dehydrator?
by Baixin Machinery Directions:
1. Wash the parsley and remove all the dirt and rotten leaves from the parsley.
2. Spread olive oil on the surface of the lettuce so that the density of the olive oil layer is 1-2 microns.
3. Heat and dry the lettuce in the mesh belt or tray, the drying time is controlled within 15-20h, and the moisture content after drying is below 13%.
4. Carry out degreasing treatment, freeze and sterilize at low temperature and spray maltodextrin on the surface, crush the lettuce leaves to obtain the finished product.
BaixinParsley dryer-Click to choose
Industrial BX-2m*6m*4layers Continuous All-in-one mesh belt parsley dryer Industrial BX-2m*6m*4layers Continuous All-in-one mesh belt carrot dryer is our patent upgrade dryer,customer no need to install the machine,just need to connect the electric to use it.This is the biggest dryer ALL-in-one design.The parsley is drying in a completely sealed space,you just need load the fresh parsley on feeding conveyor to work 24 hours non-stop working automatically. Click to check more details of Industrial BX-2m*6m*4layers continuous mesh belt dryer→
Industrial BX-2m*6m/9m/12m*4layers Continuous mesh belt parsley dryer Industrial BX-2m*6m/9m/12m*4layers Continuous mesh belt parsleydryer can reach capacity 300kg/hour-3000kg/hour for mass production,full-automatic 24 hours non-stop working.This dryer can work with multi heating source such as electric,coal/wood/biomass,natural gas/LPG/liquid gas,steam,etc,according to your request.With big hot air volume and pressure to realize a fast drying. Click to check more details of Industrial BX-2m*6m/9m/12m*4layers continuous mesh belt dryer→
Comercial BX-1P/3P 15/18/40/16 trays All-in-one heat pump parsleydryer Comercial BX-1P/3P heat pump tray dryer is made of full stainless steel,just need connect to electric to use,all-in-one type no need installation.And it is closed system,which can keep clean of your parsley.70% energy saving than traditional electric dryer. Click to check more details of Comercial BX-1P/3P heat pump tray dryer→
Industrial BX-3P-K 78 trays electric heat pump parsley dryer Industrial BX-3P 78 trays electric heat pump parsley dryer which 70% energy saving then traditional electric heating dryer machine,can set several stages with differnt temperature and time according to different materials drying requirements.And also keep good color,taste and shape of the raw materials. Click to check more details of Industrial BX-3P-K heat pump tray dryer→
Industrial BX-8P/15P 156/312 trays Electric heat pump parsleydryer Industrial BX-8P/15P 156/312 trays Electric heat pump parsley dryer solves the problem that the open-type heat pump can only be used in an ambient temperature above 15 °C, and the closed-type heat pump is slow to heat up in the early stage of the low temperature environment, and can be better used in any environment.And its hot air circulation mode can better to dry materials more evenly in a bigger capacity. Click to check more details of Industrial BX-8P/15P heat pump tray dryer→
Comercial BX-20A 232 trays All-in-one heat pump parsley dryer Comercial BX-20A 232 trays All-in-one heat pump parsleydryer is also all-in-one type tray dryer,customer no need to install the machine,just need connect the electricity to use it.It has a big capacity in all-in-one drying machine.The carrot is drying in a completely sealed space,you just need load the fresh parsley on trays and move the trolley into dryer oven. Click to check more details of Industrial BX-20A heat pump tray dryer→
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